Taking Steps Towards Compassionate Solutions

Since its inception 26 years ago, iHuman has believed in the transformational power of the arts. We have provided an outlet for at-risk youth to express their experiences, emotions, and aspirations in a supportive environment. Harm reduction principles are a fundamental aspect of our model of care because they allow us to meet specific individual and community needs and mitigate harm without imposing punitive measures. Harm reduction principles enable us to foster trust, build relationships, and promote open communication. Harm Reductions’s multifaceted benefits are a crucial step towards fostering healthier communities.


HARM REDUCTION policies and strategies aim to reduce the negative consequences associated with behaviors often considered high-risk while acknowledging the complex realities that individuals face. Harm Reduction principles are grounded in social justice and built on respect for people's rights and the positive change that can occur when we eliminate coercion, marginalization, and judgment. This approach to care is based on RESPECT, COMPASSION, and INCLUSION. 

  • At its core, harm reduction prioritizes the safety and well-being of individuals, regardless of their circumstances or choices. By providing access to sterile needles, safe injection sites, and overdose prevention measures, harm reduction initiatives endeavor to reduce the spread of infectious diseases and prevent fatal overdoses. These interventions save lives and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health.

  • Drug use is complex and multi-faceted, encompassing a continuum of behaviors, and some ways of using drugs are safer than others. Traditional approaches to drug use often perpetuate stigma and discrimination, further marginalizing individuals struggling with addiction. Harm reduction challenges these harmful narratives by advocating for compassion, empathy and respect for human dignity. 

  • The criteria for successful policies and interventions strive for quality of life, individually and within our community, rather than elimination of all drug use. By meeting individuals where they are without judgment, harm reduction initiatives foster trust and engagement within communities. This trust is essential for establishing meaningful connections with individuals who may otherwise be hesitant to seek help or support. Through outreach programs, peer support networks, and community-based services, harm reduction creates opportunities for dialogue, education, and empowerment, laying the groundwork for positive change and recovery.

  • Services and resources for people who use drugs and their communities should be non-coercive and non-judgemental to assist in reducing harm. Harm reduction recognizes that substance use disorders are often intertwined with broader structural inequities such as poverty, homelessness, and systemic discrimination. As such, effective harm reduction strategies go beyond addressing individual behaviors to tackle the root causes of social injustice and inequality. By advocating for social and economic policies that promote equity, access to resources, and inclusive healthcare systems, harm reduction contributes to building more just and resilient communities.

  • Inclusion of people who use or have used drugs in the creation of policies and programs designed to serve them. People who use drugs should be the primary agents of reducing the harms of their drugs, and people who use drugs should be empowered to share information and support each other in strategies that meet their actual conditions of use.

  •  Research has consistently demonstrated that harm reduction initiatives are not only cost-effective but also yield significant public health benefits. By preventing the transmission of infectious diseases, reducing emergency room visits, and minimizing the burden on healthcare systems, harm reduction interventions generate substantial savings in healthcare expenditures. Moreover, by breaking the cycle of addiction and reducing the social costs associated with substance abuse, harm reduction contributes to the overall well-being and productivity of society.


Harm reduction represents a compassionate and pragmatic approach to supporting individuals and communities in need. Our clients come to us with a myriad of challenges, and we aim to assist them in meeting their goals without requiring that they stop using drugs as a precondition of support, compassion, or respect. Our Outreach Team works hard to build rapport and trust while ensuring our youth feel safe and comfortable. We will always strive to create an inclusive, resilient and healthier community.  
